Appearance on The Permaculture Podcast by Scott Mann

Here are my appearances on The Permaculture Podcast!

The first Episode discusses practicing permaculture right now, where we are, in the culture and world we live in. With that is also some talk of self care, so that as practitioners we don’t get frustrated or burned out, but can continue on our path while remaining whole. We also touch on the importance of finding your own niche, and understanding your personal needs and wants so you can practice authentically, and not create more harm than good, or to compare what we do with others, but to be who we are and do what we do.

Episode 1555: Standing in Two Worlds with Taj Scicluna, The Perma Pixie 

The second focuses on the topic of Professional Permaculture, discussing the development of a permaculture business, and the work required to be a small business owner. Along the way we also talk about education, and some of the differences between Australian and American training, including the work to formalise the permaculture design certificate. 

Episode 1603: The Perma Pixie on Small Business Permaculture

As a regular listener, I am deeply humbled to have had an appearance on the show, as I often listen to many people I admire in the same lines of work.
This show is an incredible resource, growing the mycelial mat further, establishing connections, and inspiring people to grow, thrive and exchange.

Many Thanks and hope you enjoy!


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